First Jekyll Blog
Today is an extremely momentous night, I’m typing this at 2.52 am right now. I finally managed to publish my first blog and content static generator site for the first time.
I learned about Jekyll years ago, but lacked the time or commitment to learn about this amazing tool. But now that I have, it is so amazing!
It may be slightly inconvenient to update or publish new materials, or even doing slight editing adjustments, but if you treat this as updating a piece of software, it’ll feel much better.
Now that this website is live, there are a few things I would like to take note, including a few cheat sheets below that helps me to get started:
A few essential commands in running this git-bitbucket-netlify combination.
- git init
- git clone
- git status
- git add .
- git commit
- git log
- git remote add
are usually origin.<url>
usually end with../folder.git
- git pull *origin *master
- git push *origin *master
If you want to do single line break, Use two spaces to end a line. For paragraph break, css formatting is done.
Oh my, I still have a lot to learn about this.
I just leave the link above as a bookmark here, will refer to it when customising this site. Every time something site wide is done, run bundle exec jekyll serve
Oh, before publishing the site, don’t forget to get it w3 validated.
The end
Special thanks to these people who inspired me:
2021 edit: Fixed some grammar mistakes.